Den's Garden Plant List

I thought it was about time I listed the plants I grow detailing which grew well for me, or not as the case may be, in my Southport rather sandy soiled garden.
My main hobby is bowling, so time is always scarce, sometimes feel I should bowl less and garden more!!.
Like every one here the first thing is to enrich the ground with bone meal and farmyard manure, this has been very much the answer.
As I am retired my first thoughts were shrubs, evergreen when possible and not fast growing, though that severe winter killed 4 well established shrubs including a well established Ceanothus.
This last rainy summer the rest all grew like crazy as of course did the weeds.
My first love are Fuchsia and I must admit I grow far too many but they never let me down, I do expect an awful lot from them, flowering from May till late Autumn, I will eventually list the ones that do particularly well on my very sunny patio, (sun what’s that you say).
I grow amongst other plants, Dahlias, the dinner plate variety have been exceptional.
Thanks go to my son Scott for his photography and importantly his help with the heavy work in the garden.
As time permits I will add to and bring up to date this file, didn't realise just how many plants I have in such a relatively small garden.

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Shrubs Fuschia Tomato & Cuttings in Greenhouse
arumn lillies Arum Lily - Again this was a gift and has performed well, must admit I have to keep it well watered for it to flower. I understand it prefers to be by a pond but as I do not have one watering fits the bill, this last summer they were Oh so happy. Dividing is easy and usually trouble free.

Apple Trees - Bramley - Like most folks, it just grows like mad, keeping it well pruned is the only way I can manage it, climbing ladders is now a thing of the past . I do the usual grease bands in September, amazing what gets caught in there, and after flowering in spring I spray. Must be honest this doesn't keep us completely free of all grubs but certainly makes a big difference, wonder if anyone knows of better protection?.
Crab Apple - John Downey - Treated as the Bramley, I use this for making Crab Apple Jelly, really good with Chicken and Pork, a change from Apple Sauce.


Alstroemeria - This is another from Viv, a yellow compact plant that seems to be evergreen, it has done very well, seems decease free, flowering all summer, better than most annuals, so much so I have ordered some in other colours as in the photo.
I have it at the front of a border in the front garden, it tolerated partial shade and wind well.

cotoneaster Cotoneaster horizontalis - As tough as old boots, has a preference for well-drained sunny situations. Spring brings the tiny pink flowers followed in autumn by bright-red berries, the birds are very fond of these, sadly strip mine very quickly, followed by the leaves turning a lovely red, I at least have the pleasure of the leaves until they drop. Its superb structure makes it ideal for placing against a wall or fence.
dalia Dahlias - Dinner Plate. Mine are mainly the yellow and white variety. I have left them in the ground for the last five years, even that awful winter, was it 2010? though I do grow other varieties and colours which have also done very well, they really are a joy from late July until first frosts in November. I learnt early on to stake them early.
I think the fact that the winters have not been very wet is the reason for their success, plus we have very well draining soil- rather- sand, I always cover the area in November with a thick blanket of manure, nothing like an extra blanket to keep warm.
camellia Camellia - An evergreen beauty, with lovely glossy leaves and masses of flowers in the spring.
I nearly lost it during that freak (I hope ) winter, the old fashioned cut /kill or cure method worked, we cut this right down and it has re grown beautifully. As we are not on acid soil I dug a large hole and filled with Ericaceous compost to plant it into, I also apply Ericaceous plant food as I couldn't get the Miracid I used to use. As this is now about 15 years old must be meeting its needs.

Foxglove - Illumination Pink

Evergreen with pink flowers in spring and red or yellow berries in late September, the birds are not supposed to like the yellow berries but they do, they have a field day in my garden. I prune then just hopefully before the first frost. The down side is that it has really vicious thorns, it is an ideal plant if you plant to keep out intruders, can be trimmed as a hedge, bush or along a fence or wall, very adaptable.
This is another no trouble shrub if you can live with the thorns.

dawn star

Fuchsia - Dawn Star - A large flower - Corolla pale lilac, sepals white. This is lovely and very reliable, if I was brave enough to reduce the buds the flowers would be really huge, I'm not and settle for large blooms. As with most Fuchsia cuttings strike very easily.
Another lovely one is Kit Oxenby, Apricot corolla and paler sepals, again happy in the sun. Deep Purple has purple corolla and white sepals, stunning, sadly this is one that I find very hard making the cuttings strike, will have to think of rooting powder for this one.

dancing flame

Fuchsia - I have favourites that grow and flower well on my very sunny patio, I will list these, the ones that do not seem to like hot sunny spots are Happy Wedding and Deven Dumpling, might be just the white ones, they grow well in shadier places.
Dancing Flame is great, an orange trailing variety that is so prolific, as with all Fuchsia I feed weekly with Phostrogen and dead head daily.


Hellebore - This is an ever green plant, when established it is almost like a small shrub. One of the few perennials that flower from January onwards. The flowers are a creamy white tinged with green.
This was from Viv a friend and as she warned me they do seed, plants pop up every where, but they are easy to remove and no trouble at all.
I have given seedling to many friends who are delighted with them.

stargazer StarGazer Lilies - Very easy to grow with a heavenly perfume. The biggest problem the pollen, it really does mark your skin and clothes and very difficult to remove, so try to keep at arms length when deheading.
The latest pest the Red Spider can spoil the look of the plants so this is the one time I do use a pesticide.
They over winter in pots quite happily no matter what the weather throws at them. I feed weekly with Phostrogen during the summer and split approximately every three years.
Peony Peony - The flower stems seem not to be strong enough to support the large heavy flamboyant flowers so I find they do need staking.
Well worth growing I have the pink and red giving a great show. After flowering the leaves provide interest until dieback. Best to cut to ground level to avoid Peony wilt, don't know how this presents as I have never had the misfortune to have it. Be sure not to let it dry out when the buds forming in spring. Very important- Must be planted just below the surface or they will never flower. I made this mistake planting 8 inches down, thinking being a large flower would give them more support, then wondered why they didn't flower. I was also informed they do not like to be moved and may not flower the first year after a move. A good mulch after cutting back and bonemeal in the spring keep it happy. Also likes Neutral or Alkaline soil. Doesn't like wet feet.
sweet peas

Sweet Peas -
These have done very well, They have been no trouble at all, flowering profusely in both the front and back garden, providing plenty of cut flowers for the house.
I have been amazed at how long they have kept on flowering, today December 1st, I have finally cut them down, even though there were a few flowers remaining, even after the frost the last two nights. I read that you should leave in the roots as they provide nourishment as they break down, worth a try saves digging.
I have taken seeds for next season.


Baloskion Tetraphylium - Tassel Cord Rush

A beautiful Restio from Australia that forms a high dense clump of smooth graceful stems. At each node tightly wrapped light brown sheaths appear and bright green leaves emerge from the base.
Can make fantastic container plant but must be kept well watered I am informed.
This is new to me so I will monitor it.